Wednesday 4 September 2013

Tuesday 3rd September

Today we cycle from Krems to Vienna. Not the most strenuous of days I have ever had but I enjoyed it. It is good to reward yourself with easy days sometimes. 

Our night in the hostel was uneventful. We left full of excitement as Krems was our lobster. It seemed our only real reason for being there was to chase 3 German girls that my fiend Scott had spoken to in passing along the route. Myself and Chris could have left him to it as he was quite set on seducing them with his banjo but we thought he'd need some back-up.

We did not find these girls however. They had evaded our every move even to the extent that when we thought 'if we were German girls where would we go?'  and they were not there. It seems we cannot think like German girls after all.

We did patrol the streets and Chris treated us to one of his things which was pretending to be a marine soldier around street corners. He is very strange but I love him in a weird way.

We were woken for breakfast and we ate it. They had muesli and I ate several bowls. They also said that we could take what we want for the road so I poured the rest of the pyrex of muesli into a plastic bag and 6 rolls and all their jam and butter. I don't think he was expecting me to do that.

We set off knowing Vienna was only a small trip away. Our legs were tired for some reason and it didn't help that we wasted an hour trying to leave the town. 

Once we were on the path, crossing sides of the river occasionally if the signs told us to, we hit a steady pace. Around 23kmph. It's better that we all stick together than racing ahead.

It was good today as we all discussed various in depth topics. We did religion, schools and the existence of man. We all added something different to the conversation and that swallowed a couple of hours. My brain felt enriched because of it.

After 95km we saw Vienna in the distance. The first sky scrapers on the landscape for days. Was pretty unusual. A little like Hong Kong for my uninitiated eyes. 

Vienna is really beautiful. It's also pretty massive, much bigger than I expected. Certainly the biggest place I've been to so far. I've decided to stay 2 nights here as I was supposed to meet a friend in Belgrade but now not. I have the time so I will take the time. 

Scott decided to stay in a hostel to chase another girl and Chris and I opted for the campsite on the edge of town. I much prefer this option now. Hostels are always too busy, stressful, and you have to make the bed each time. 

The campsite was by another dual carriageway which is not ideal. The sounds of cars going past was strangely soothing amongst the cicadas.

Dinner tonight was more rice. But that's not a problem as it fills my belly nicely. I could live off it I think. Our dessert was excellent though. Stolen apple compote with stolen butter and paid for sugar. Apples stolen from trees not supermarkets. And butter stolen legitimately with swag bag at breakfast.

Tent again then. It smells awful. I need to do something about it. Very happy to be camping again though. I do love this. 

Night all.


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